My first review is of where the Freagle Free Product Offer fits into the overall scheme of things. The strategy involves offering a free product offer in order to generate traffic to your products and services via the interactive banner adds. This has caused some confusing with new members as the strategy was not very clearly explained in the initial overview (this is not the first time things have been missed out but I will get to that in the upcoming clickbank review)
To test the process I decided to do so using my wife's Nutrimetics consulting business as a guinea pig. I therefore offered $200 worth of skincare products and set up the following website (I am no web designer so constructive criticism is welcome) it cost me around $100 including hosting the free domain name, ability to setup unlimited domains and bandwidth, $25 of google AdSense credits, search engine listing etc...... after reviewing a number of hosting companies is decided on .... because it gave me the flexibility to host multiple domains.
I chose just host (see below) because of these reasons.
Back to Freagle ..... So after setting up a free product offer I then created a banner add pointing to my webpage with the free product offer. After tracking the stats throughout the last 3 weeks I found that I had more answers to questions (91 correct and 81 incorrect) and only 68 referrals to the website. This would indicate that the majority of the banner clicks resulted in guesses rather then click troughs to the product site. Moreover those click throughs did not result in any sales.
Now I acknowledge this could have been because of the site so I decided to give a more thorough test. I registered for the markethealth affiliate program heading the suggestions of Andrew Clacy to ensure your affiliate programs are close to your product offers
I chose a few affiliate offers from the site and promoted them as banner ads. I received similar results. Idol white generate 148 correct 74 incorrect answers and reversitol resulted in 96 correct and 67 incorrect my stats however did indicate more unique click through which was a positive but no sales.
So in summary I found that while the Freagle system did as promised generate traffic to the desired sites the focus was on the free product offer and I did not receive any genuine buyers. Where I believe Freagle could be improved is if it allowed warm leads to be added to an opt in list for the Free product offers so that email marketing could be done at a later date. This would make the process much more powerful worthwhile paying for.
More to come .... next my clickbank review update.... don't miss this one.