Friday, May 29, 2009

Global Domains International - Explained

I have put together a short video which you can find below which explains the concept behind the Global Domains International program mentioned in my previous posts. This is for information purposes only and includes a summary of the Global Domains International Organisation, the program that they offer and opportunities associated with it. This video will give you the information necessary to determine if this business is right for you and allow you to make an informed decision.

Should you decide that this is an opportuntiy you would like to take adavntage of, I will personally assist you through the process of getting everything possible out of the program and through this common goal ... Your Success

Response to Recent Negative Feedback

During recent Teleseminars and after reviewing some of the feedback on other blogs as well as twitter relating to the Freagle Easiest Home Business Ever Program. It had occured to me that it was an opportunity to get a feel for how switched on and professional the organisation was.

From a pure PR perspective the negative press needed an appropriate response to avoid loosing more customers. I am glad to say that this evening this was received by way of an email which was professionally put together and indicated that someone with some expertise in customer management and communication was employed. The email to all members explained some of the reasons for the delays in responding to the 15,000 emails that had been received. I can imagine this was a big task, however the main thing this has achieved is restored some level of confidence in the professionalism of the organisation as a whole. Something I am sure the members were happy to receive.

Twitter Topify

In one of my recent posts I noted that during the twitter teleseminar the information that had been provided regarding the use of tweet later, specifically the tweetfollow process was incorrect. I have been doing some following up on that and have found another solution which on testing appears to work very well. you are able to setup mail rules to automate responses to twitter follow alerts that you receive in your inbox. It is easy to setup only requiring you just need to enter your email details and then follow the steps from there which includes changing your Twitter email address to route to your assigned topify address.

Goole Keywords Teleseminar

I have just completed the teleseminar which started very slowly and was a little all over the place initially but once the presenters moved into the actual tools and demonstration of the capabilites it was quite informative and I did pick up a number of things I was not previously aware of.

This did come in handy when looking at various Niches and during the teleseminar I was able to identify a couple of Niches which I had previsouly not considered and particularly using the combination of the Google Sktools and Google Insights does work very well.

For more information go to

Who is Tissa Godavitarne

If your asking who is Tissa Godavitarne and why am I featuring him on my blog let me tell you. Purely and simply that I just received $125 US commission by registering for his program and setting up my GDI domain to host a google people search.

OK how does it work I will try and explain here otherwise please add me to Skype paultownsend1974 and I will be happy to explain how it works in more detail. Basically you sign up to the program via the
intro page at the point where it says "Create your FREE niche search engine for earning affiliate program commissions" there are a couple of steps that you will need to take but essentially you can get at least the first 60 days free (if your having touble working it out let me know by email or sykpe paultownsend1974 and I will help)

Once you have completed the registration then go to referrals page and you will see $125 in comission. I know it sounds too good to be true but its 100% genuine just try it. By the time you have finished you will have your own google people search site just like mine (note the url) an excellent use of the GDI domain btw (but you dont have to use that)

Just go here to get the ball rolling and remember to contact me if you need to know anything at all.

Global Domains International GDI

Secondly I have been promoting a product which resulted in a number of sales with one post on Twitter and has continued to generate interest. This is through Global Domain International or GDI who are the global registrant for the .ws domain names. I thought I would explain a little bit about how it works I have set up a training program to explain how to drive affiliate traffic and generate advertising hits via google and yahoo and I will be posting some of those results soon.

GDI offer a free 7 day trial which you can access vis the link above or below you receive the following as part of the trail:

  • your own .ws domain name
  • Website Templates for affiliate sites
  • Web Hosting if you wish to host your own site
  • 10 email addresses
  • URL forwarding

After the free trail is complete you are then required to pay for monthly access (this is less then I am paying my current hosting company) if you sign up just 2 others to the program then it has already paid for itself.

Now I did some research prior to signing up as I was worried I that this may be a scam however I am satisfied this is legit based on what I have read so far. Some have classified this as MLM and while yes you do receive a payment for others that sign up you do receive something tangible that can be used i.e the domain name and hosting which can then be used for landing pages. I will discuss this later....

Clickbank and Freagle Working Together

As you will have seen from my previous post I have been using the easiest home business ever affiliate program to offer free products in order to drive traffic to my affiliate links. I thought however I would take a little time to let yo uknow what else has been working for me so far.

Firstly I have been using twitter quite a lot and using some of the strategies described in the EHBE course I have received 30 hits to one of my clickbank affiliate links in the last hour after publishing a link in one of my posts. I will continue this as one of my strategies and see what results I get over the next week.

First Free Product Offer

Ok I finally received confirmation that my free product offer had been approved this morning. I therefore decided that I would go an use the interactive banner adds option. This is essentially designed to allow you to direct traffic to your chosen site by addin a banner which members need to click on to answer questions and earn points that they can use to bid for your offer.

Creating the interactive banner add is very simple and the instructions provided in the module 1 video did help. Within a couple of minutes I had the questions setup here is look at the add and what it looks like.

The layout is quote professional for the finished add apart from the fact that the image gets squashed instead of resized which is a bit of a pain. The reports provided to analyse the product are quite good and look like reporting services reports out of SQL so at least I can see they havent skimped on the technology.
I can see that I have had 3 shortlists and the questions answered have been over 59 in just a few hours so I looks like the traffic is quite good. No sales from the banner add though but I will keep you updated on that.
The free product offer I will be posting about shortly ...... its already working for me better then Freagle :)

Review of Module 1 and Teleseminars

As promised I am back to provide my opinions on the first training module of the Easiest Home Business Ever. The content of the module is fairly well laid out but the content of the training is very high level however I understand that the foundation does need to be set for those entering affiliate marketing for the first time. The information on how to use Freagle was quite good however I am yet to be able to comment on the success as am waiting form my Free Product offer to be approved having waited 6 days so far (starting to get a little impatient).

I had no idea any teleseminars were being offered until I logged in to the main page and found I had missed the first two. You can replay them thought which is good, after uto them I found that a number of people were complaining that the information was too light on and I suspect that due to a number of dropouts they decided to release the Twitter Series of videos.

Now this is were things get interesting, During the presentation the so called Guru of affilate marketing seemed to be unsure of the content, in addition to this information was provided in the first Twitter video had me concerned Andrew Clacey proceeded to demonstrate how to use Tweet Later to reply email to added followers. This sounds great right? wrong! the information provided was outdated by 3 Months as is evidenced by the follwing Knowledge base article at Tweet Later (This proved that the video was an old one !!) I must say this had me a little disillusioned ..... ...... more to follow

Back To The Begining

I thought today I would go back a week or so to when I first registered and while I am not going to be posting screen shots about the program itself (if you want to know that then click the link and have a look) I will say that the setup is failry easy to follow and I quickly figured out how to navigate through the site. I was expecting something a little more sophisticated and I thought the video presentations although quite informative were a little amateur (didnt instil me with lot of confidence just looking at the presentation) one of the videos describing the program one of the business owners admitted that had had a "few" businesses which did concern me slightly at the time. There were a few dowloads available on the initial page which I noticed were linked through to affilate sites, but hey if I was doing it I would be doing the same thing.

It took about 24hrs to be provided access to module 1. When I received access I watched the videos which most of the as expected were very high level but informative enough to keep me interested. There are a large number of links for downloads provided which include links to various affiliate marketing networks, shopping sites, magazine and various service offereings, I found the tools and Software section had a number of good links such as google insights etc..... pretty standard stuff but hey you have to crawl before you can walk I suppose. It id however encourage me to go looking for others and I will post some good ones and information I found a little later

Criticisms : Thee information provided at this stage is that is seems a little unstructured and doesnt really give you an understanding of the study plan and outcomes. Howevere I managed to find my way around and put the peices of the puzzle together myself so its manageable.

Positives: As part of the program they offer a number of live teleseminars which can be replayed which is a handy feature.

Next: Feedback on teleseminars and general review the service levels and describe my experience of adding my first free product offer..

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Freagle Insights

Ok Firstly a little bit about myself my name is Paul and I am based in Sydney NSW Australia. I am 34 and work as a senior account manager for a large software company, I have a beautiful wife and two gorgeous daughters.

I recently watched the "Easiest Home Business Ever" promotion on Channel 7 and had always been interested in getting involved in the affiliate marketing phenomenon but had never acted on it. I knew "How" affiliate marketing worked at a high level but was not sure how to ensure people visited my site and clicked on my links. This is what is called in the game "Driving Traffic", I liked the suggestion of driving traffic by offering free products which is essentially one of the key strategies behind the easiest home business ever solution.

I decided to bite the bullet and pay my $19.90 (AUD) and join the program to see what they had to offer. I will be updating this blog regularly with the objective of providing feedback on how the program is working and most importantly whether or not I am actually making any money out of it.

I will say that the program has given me the enthusiasm required to look at other strategies as well and I will be doing some comparisons to the programs offered through Freagles "Easiest Home Business Ever" I have already made more money through some of these that I have found myself then via the EHBE however I will give the program the benefit of the doubt.
Right Lets Get Started